YemenSoft team. Apps

Yemensoft onyx KPI 1.1
System Definition It’s an android application that displays themost important indicators which helps in knowing the currentfinancial situation of the organization. System components •Financial indicators 1- Profit margin Account balances Net balances(in local currency) with the possibility of browsing the balanceswith currencies and monthly balances for every type. • Cash balance• Bank balance • Due receipt cheque • Due payment cheque 2- Receiptand payment (cash) Chart display of the receipt and payment for thelast 5 days. Chart display of the monthly receipt and payment. 3-Favorite account balances Account number, account name, localbalance and also balance display for every account by currency, andmonthly balance display for every account as a chart. 4- Vendorsindicators Vendor number, vendor name, local balance and alsobalance display for every account by currency, and monthly balancedisplay for every account as a chart.   • Costumers indicators 1.Net sales  Chart that illustrates the (sales, returns, net)another model of net sales with discount, Chart shows (sales, salesdiscount, returns, retunes discount, net)  Monthly net sales •Chart of the (net sales percentage) • Chart of the net sales amount(columns) • Chart of the sales, returns and nets amounts.  Halfnet sales • Chart of the (net sales percentage) • Chart of the netsales amount (columns) • Charts of the sales, returns and netsamounts.  Quarterly net sales • Chart of the (net salespercentage) • Chart of the net sales amount (columns) • Charts ofthe sales, returns and nets amounts.  Net sales according to thepayment method (cash, credit) • Chart of the general net sales(cash, credit) • Chart of the monthly net sales (cash, credit) Net sales according to the categories • Charts of the net salesaccording to the selection from categories list (branch, warehouse,center, delegate, project, activity) 2. Total profit • Chart thatillustrates the general total profit • Chart that illustrates themonthly total profit • Chart that illustrates the total profit instock currency according to the category (branch, warehouse,center, delegate, project, activity) • Chart that illustrates thetotal profit in local currency according to the category (branch,warehouse, center, delegate, project, activity) 3. Top net sales •Top ten costumers • Top ten items • Top ten delegates 4. Top sales• Top ten costumers • Top ten items • Top ten delegates 5. Topreturns • Top ten costumers • Top ten items • Top ten delegates 6.Top profit in stock currency • Top ten costumers • Top ten items •Top ten delegates 7. Top profit in local currency • Top tencostumers • Top ten items • Top ten delegates • Vendors indicators1- Net purchases  Chart of the net purchases that illustrates(purchases, returns, net) another model of the net purchases withdiscount that illustrates (purchases, purchases discount, returns,returns discount)  Monthly net purchases • Chart of (net salespercentage from total purchases) • Chart of the net sales amount •Chart of the (purchases, returns, and nets) amounts.  Half netpurchases • Chart of (net sales percentage from total purchases) •Chart of the net sales amount • Chart of the (purchases, returns,and nets) amounts  Quarterly net purchases • Chart of (net salespercentage from total purchases) • Chart of the net sales amount •Chart of the (purchases, returns, and nets) amounts  Net purchasesaccording to the payment method (cash, credit) • Chart of theyearly net purchases (cash, credit) • Chart of the monthly netpurchases (cash, credit)  Net purchases according to thecategories • Chart of the net purchases according to the selectionfrom the categories list (branches, warehouses, centers, activity,project) 2- Top net purchases • Top ten vendors • Top ten items 3-Top purchases • Top ten vendors • Top ten items 4- Top returns •Top ten vendors • Top items
Onyx Pro Mobile 3.16.1
Is an application that is associated with Onyx Pro system wherebyRead targeted Onyx Pro systems, according to reports availableindicators and review the best performance in the items, customers,suppliers and other options. -Review reports and statements ofaccounts , analytical accounts -Review reports for inventoryquantities available and the prices of items according to pricinglevels -Help screens review reports, messages internal and addressbook A process appropriations documentation and follow-up levels ofappropriations and display documents Details
Yemensoft Motakamel Mob Demo 1.0
By Al-MMTAKAMEL MOBOLE establishment owner can track the movementand progress of work remotely by reviewing diagrams describe thefollowing: 1. Diagrams to progress of the sales, purchases,receipts and expenses operations for total months 2. Diagram as aresult of activity on months (Profit and Loss) 3. Diagrams toprogress of the sales and purchases for current day, current monthand cumulative up to current date Also can review total thefollowing operations: 1. Ready-to-cash funds (cash in-cash funds inbanks) 2. Account balances 3. Customer Balances 4. AvailableQuantity in warehouses Data entry Fiscal year: 2015 Activity: 10Branch: 10 User: 1 Password 1